Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9, 2010

 "some people come into your life forever, but with other...its only a moment.."

uhm...sorry haven't posted in a while, been having some friend problems...people aren't always who they say there are and they dont always stick around for as long as you want them to...and they dont always keep their promises, except for the ones that drive them away even further...just because i'm bettering myself, some people get mad and leave to make themselves feel better....i understand that some friendships are only temporary, it doesn't mean i have to like it...but oh well...i guess...if people can't really take me for who i am or for who i want to be, then are they really true friends? are they really gonna be honest? be there for you? be the one holding your hair when your throwing up all the booze from your 21st birthday? are they gonna be the that brings the frosting, whipped cream, and ice cream when you get your heart broken?

i have never had a friendship for longer than two years, and i know i probably never will, but a girl can always hope right? but it's whatever i guess....and then...i mostly only have guy friends, then sometimes they will devoloped crushes and stop talking to me and stop the friendship and i'm like..."what the heck!?!?!?!" ughhhh.....

i suck at friendships....but oh well...they never last, the friend never sticks around no matter how hard you try...but thats life i guess...i must be stupid because if your supposed to learn from your mistakes...i have not learned a thing, and do i keep making the same mistake or is it the other person who messes everything up...i just dont know anymore honestly...

and screw life i guess!!!! hhahaha, it sucks, and....your going to get every hardship thrown at you but oh well, you have to suffer with the concequences of what you do...and just because your a good person, then, that doesn't mean nothing bad is gonna happen to you...most likely, everything bad will happen to you because your a strong person and the weaker people wouldn't be able to take half the stuff the good strong person will do

but who really cares anymore, only the people with nothing better to do analyze eachothers livess and try to mess them up, but the people with a future dont give in AND  do not care!! honestly, i have walked away from all the drama in my life...i just walked im the loner sitting in the library alone at lunch time...or at second lunch i hang out with a group of guys but i doubt i'm wanted there either!! hahaha, oh wellll

well, i'm to tired to edit this post! im going back to bed after thiss...sooo...i'll try to post tommorrow....but whatever, i dont even know at this poinnt...i'm half asleep so i wont even rememeber what i wrote...welll....i am going to bed...night...